The past few weeks have been rough in our home. I came down with the stomach flu. The following week the baby got it. Then the minute he started getting better big brother caught a cold and gave it to the baby... then me... then Daddy. Fun fun!
Aside from all the illness, we've been beyond busy organizing and repairing the house. It has been so gorgeous outside that the boys and I have been walking a lot too.
Oh yea.... I forgot to mention, The eldest and I have decided to take on a pretty weighty project. We are each going to do a 365 day creativity project. Each day we will do something different based on a common theme. The eldest will be doing his on the day to day life of a group of Lego stormtroopers. I am going to help him set up his very own blog for this and everything. (Link will be posted and promoted on here) My theme is going to be pagan based. I'm really looking forward to this.
It is really late... I haven't been sleeping more than 3 hours a night and its starting to catch up with me.
Brightest Blessings!!