Merry We Meet!!

This is my space to share, rant, rave, and even do a little bragging about my life choices, family, and where each are taking me.

Many people think 'witch' and immediately jump to the conclusion that I am some weirdo who's home smells like stale incense and thinks Mr. Potter is end all be all of magick. I hate to disappoint, but I am as normal as the next person. As much as a person can be normal.

So, please read on. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Hopefully, you can learn something from the mistakes I make and the good fortunes that come my way.

You can follow me on Instagram @Witchmomma

~Blessed Be~



My Iron Man!

My Iron Man!
This was just before his 12th birthday. 2015

Friday, May 3, 2013

Our Beltane

I wish I had pictures!! The kids and I had so much fun. Baby and I walked up and pulled the eldest out of school. We had a picnic in backyard. Followed by the story of The Battle of Summer and Winter, which was read out of the Circle Round book. I love that book!!

We also made offerings to the land and also shared some food with the faeries. Placed fresh flowers on the altar and made our wishes.

At end the day, the boys each took a milk and oat bath before snuggling up and wishing to be visited by the faeries in their dreams.

Oh, and I almost forgot the eldest also made a Green Man mask and I made braided flower hair wreaths for the baby and I.

Daddy and I celebrated Beltane in our own way ;)

We were going to have a bon fire but the boys had swim lessons and we just ran out of time.

It was the best Beltane I'd ever had thus far. I can't wait for next year!!

What's your favorite Sabbat?

Blessed Be

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