Merry We Meet!!

This is my space to share, rant, rave, and even do a little bragging about my life choices, family, and where each are taking me.

Many people think 'witch' and immediately jump to the conclusion that I am some weirdo who's home smells like stale incense and thinks Mr. Potter is end all be all of magick. I hate to disappoint, but I am as normal as the next person. As much as a person can be normal.

So, please read on. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Hopefully, you can learn something from the mistakes I make and the good fortunes that come my way.

You can follow me on Instagram @Witchmomma

~Blessed Be~



My Iron Man!

My Iron Man!
This was just before his 12th birthday. 2015

Monday, September 1, 2014

Traveling Companions

With the huge adjustment of homeschooling taking place in a day, I want to be sure that I have enough time for both blogging and every other aspect of my life. The next 10 posts that I am going to post are from another blog that I write. They are invaluable to me and I think that a lot can be learned from them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them. 

Ten Important Traveling Companions to Take with You on the Journey to Your Dreams

This set of lessons are going to focus on the 10 things you should always take with you when you are journeying towards your heart's desires and dreams for your future. This is something that every person should know and share with their children, regardless of religion.

The first companion is...

Confidence: for when things get tough, when you are overwhelmed, when you think of giving up.
(should be common sense ^_^ )

So many people in this time period have had their confidence beaten out of them. A few lose it in childhood when a parent tells them their dream is too far fetched. NOTHING is too far fetched when you are a child and as parents we should instill and nurture that aspect of our kids. We, as parents, should learn to share in the childhood innocence of our kids. 

Granted, yes, it is hard to tell your child that they can be a one-legged, one-eyed space pirate that drives an El Camino (yes... that was via my oldest). Instead of shooting that down and telling him no. I stopped and thought... why not? Perhaps one day in his time El Caminos will become spaceships! So for a while we played El Camino Space Pirates. 

Confidence grows from encouragement. Sometimes that encouragement needs to come from within. It's hard to do for ourselves because of the way we were raised (for most of us, not everyone). 

What can we do, then? Firstly, surround ourselves with positivity. People who uplift us and not drag us down. Chose the people who help grow your dream, and make you a better person. That goes for friends, relationships, and family. I won't lie, it's hard to let go of some people. There will be others that hang on like toddlers being dragged across the kitchen floor on mom's leg. 

Where negativity remains, negative thoughts and feelings will grow. Thereby slowly choking out the confidence you have built up. One thousand positive comments will be crushed by one negative comment.

Secondly, we really need to look inside of ourselves and see ourselves for who we really are. If you find that you, yourself, are one of the negative people (I'm guilty of this) begin to change it. Affirmations, as silly as it sounds, can work wonders. Every day I try to find something positive about me, my life, my attitude, and what I'm going to do better. I write them down on my white board and erase it every night and start all over again the next day. It really does start to change your outlook. But you can't stop there. You HAVE to live what you wrote!

Lastly, and this should be first but so many find it hard to do it that the other two have to happen first. BE YOURSELF. Accept who you are. OWN IT. Personally, I'm still working on the acceptance part. But I am who I am. I am a mother, a wife, a friend, a witch, and a priestess. Those are great titles but I am so much more. Find the positive and exploit the shit out of it! What you don't like.... change. Plain and simple, in words, in deed its harder but NOT impossible.

Start right now. Find 5 positive things you LOVE about yourself. And live it. Tomorrow...start the day confident and see where it takes you.

Brightest Blessings!!

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