Merry We Meet!!

This is my space to share, rant, rave, and even do a little bragging about my life choices, family, and where each are taking me.

Many people think 'witch' and immediately jump to the conclusion that I am some weirdo who's home smells like stale incense and thinks Mr. Potter is end all be all of magick. I hate to disappoint, but I am as normal as the next person. As much as a person can be normal.

So, please read on. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Hopefully, you can learn something from the mistakes I make and the good fortunes that come my way.

You can follow me on Instagram @Witchmomma

~Blessed Be~



My Iron Man!

My Iron Man!
This was just before his 12th birthday. 2015

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blessed Imbolc!!

Wishing each and everyone of you a very blessed Imbolc, with the hopes that the Goddess Brighid will bless your homes with health and happiness this coming year!

Now is the time to bust out your brooms, mops, dusters, and mops! Imbolc is a wonderful time for spring cleaning, even here in Michigan this year it's warmer than any other year I can remember. I did some major cleaning earlier this week. Being pregnant I have to do things when I have the energy to do them. Today, I am spending the day at my mother and father's doing the household laundry. Usually this is something I would do at home, but we currently have a gas leak in the line that leads to our dryer...needless to say the line is shut off so the dryer is USELESS. Carrying wet clothes upstairs and across the street to my friend's house is just not feasible for me. So I am here.

I am in the process of planning out my first Imbolc ritual that includes my son! He is very very excited for tonight's ritual. He really enjoyed the Yule ritual we celebrated together. I, however, can not take the credit for writing that one. A friend of mine did, I just tweaked it a bit to fit my son's age. Once I get something written out I will post it for you all.

There are some very common elements I want to include this year, such as:

  • Sweeping/Vacuuming out the entire house - to rid the house o negative energies
  • A home blessing/cleansing
  • Candle lighting - this step is a must in my opinion!
  • Burning of the Yule blessings - I think this is what my son is looking forward to the most.

Now, unlike a lot of witches I know, I don't usually cast circles unless I am working spells or doing divination at the same time. There is no real reason why. I would love to cast a few circles with my son, I believe he'd enjoy calling the elements and the energy in the circle. So I have been toying with idea of doing this sabbat ritual within the confines of a circle.

Well, I do believe that I am running out of time. I would like to get this written before dinner time tonight. More than likely I will post, on the Sabbats page, a little later with the ritual I come up with for me and my son.

I hope you all enjoy this blessed day! Keeps thoughts of peace, happiness, and spring on your mind throughout the day!!

Blessed Be My Friends!

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