Merry We Meet!!

This is my space to share, rant, rave, and even do a little bragging about my life choices, family, and where each are taking me.

Many people think 'witch' and immediately jump to the conclusion that I am some weirdo who's home smells like stale incense and thinks Mr. Potter is end all be all of magick. I hate to disappoint, but I am as normal as the next person. As much as a person can be normal.

So, please read on. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Hopefully, you can learn something from the mistakes I make and the good fortunes that come my way.

You can follow me on Instagram @Witchmomma

~Blessed Be~



My Iron Man!

My Iron Man!
This was just before his 12th birthday. 2015

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mommy's playgroup

One thing I have found very important to being a stay-at-home mom is that I have to have my own friends, my own hobbies, and my own life. I can not solely rely on my family to sustain my...sanity. Now because of certain illnesses I didn't have much of a choice with the staying at home thing. Not that I regret the decision one bit! If I had to do it all over again I would in a heart beat!

I do suggest to friends and readers of mine that are choosing this path, because it can just as rewarding as a career, that you be sure and find time to do things you enjoy. Thoroughly enjoy. Whether it be reading, writing, knitting, crafting, skateboarding, or hula hooping! Make time for it!! Otherwise... you may lose your marbles. 

I have a night out, away from everyone in my household (Daddy is usually shoving me out the door), where I go and hangout with my friends at a small bar. We have a great time, it gives me a chance

to just be Dayna (or Brock as everyone calls me at the bar, we have two Dayna's and it gets confusing). 

Just because you've become a mom (stay at home or otherwise) does not mean you are not a person too. You NEED your time. Also, try to find other moms in similar situations. Chances are, they will understand what you are going through and be more willing to let you vent then a single friend with no kids who is secretly rolling their eyes and thinking 'not this again!'.

To be perfectly honest, staying home is how I found the deep connection with my spirituality that I have. There is something very profound about holding the well-being and smooth-running of an entire family unit in your hands. With that I leave you on this note...

I'm not telling you that a working mom is a bad mom or that a stay at home mom is super mom. It comes down to whatever works for you and your family alone. Period.

Brightest Blessings

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