Merry We Meet!!

This is my space to share, rant, rave, and even do a little bragging about my life choices, family, and where each are taking me.

Many people think 'witch' and immediately jump to the conclusion that I am some weirdo who's home smells like stale incense and thinks Mr. Potter is end all be all of magick. I hate to disappoint, but I am as normal as the next person. As much as a person can be normal.

So, please read on. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Hopefully, you can learn something from the mistakes I make and the good fortunes that come my way.

You can follow me on Instagram @Witchmomma

~Blessed Be~



My Iron Man!

My Iron Man!
This was just before his 12th birthday. 2015

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lammas celebration, anyone?

Well, well, well.... it is that time again! Time for Lammas or Lughnasadh!! The Sabbat's information will be posted on the Sabbats page today! I promise. I will also update the Ritual's Page as well, but that probably won't be done until tomorrow.

Also for all my fellow witches out there... Tomorrow is also the full moon! It explains a lot of what has been going on with my feelings and intuition though.

Following the topic of Sabbats though, I am thoroughly looking forward to Samhain this year! In all fairness, I look forward to it every year.

Another short post, I know. But I have a lot of work to do with the Sabbats Page and planning out my rituals and menu for tomorrow. So, I must cut this short.

Blessed Be my faithful readers!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Craft Time!!

And I am not talking spells today!

I have been in a very creative mood as of late and could not help but create a new "wreath" for our front door! It is super cute and super easy. If you'd like instructions, feel free to leave me your email address or you can send me an e-mail,

I love the feeling I get when an idea I have in my head turns out exactly the way I envisioned it. I have always wanted to create heirloom pieces that my children's children will have. I'm still working on it... but in the mean time, I enjoy making crafts that make others smile.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Short but sweet

I will be keeping today's post quite short. I apologize for not having anything super insightful to say or a specific topic to rave on and on about. But it's rainy and dreary out and I am completely out of inspiration today. (Bummer, I know!!)

Instead, I am simply going to say how incredibly grateful how I am for everything the Goddess has granted me. My family, my friends, my home, and, of course, my readers!! I love what my life has become and where my path is heading! I could not be more grateful or appreciative for everything I have.

What are you grateful for?

Blessed Be my friends!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kitchen Witchin'? But of course!

Now, I have never enjoyed spending ANY time what-so-ever in the kitchen. Cooking was a chore that I would gladly pass off to anyone else while I cleaned a bathroom! But lately...

I have finally discovered the joy of cooking for my family members and our friends. Now that does NOT mean that I actually enjoy the act of cooking. To be honest, it's still last on my list of enjoyable chores... right on down there with folding socks -.- I hate that one too. But to see the satisfaction on the faces of those I love while they are enjoying something I have made for them just warms my soul!

I have found many and I mean MANY delicious recipes (thank you Pinterest!!) and I am slowly filtering through them and using my family as lab rats while I find out which ones are delicious and which ones are best left where they were. But now that I think about it... all my readers are just as special to me as my friends and family (some of you are at least one of the prior, if not both :) ). So I will be adding a new page (again) called Kitchen Witchin' where I will share all the deliciousness.

Also, if my readers have a Pinterest account feel free to follow me! you can find ALL my recipes there. Also my 'Tis the Plan board will keep you informed on which recipes I will be trying next. I also have a BUNCH of stuff for family projects as well as a ton of stuff for boys. Sorry, I don't have any girls or nieces so I don't pin any of that stuff.

For those of you who don't use Pinterest (if you would like an account, message me your email address) I will be posting pics of what I make and the links to the recipes on here, so don't worry! I will even give any tips, pointers, or "lessons" that I had to learn the hard way with the recipes.

I'm going to give you all a little heads up on the plan for tomorrow too....

Garlic Bread Wrapped Meatballs w/a side of Spaghetti and a salad!! I'll let y'all know how it turns out. Now, I must prepare for my son's Safe Passage Ritual for his beloved Miss Diamond. That is the plan for this evening.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Crossing the River Styx...

I woke this morning to a disturbing phone call. My mother had called to inform me that my son's cat (she couldn't make the move with us... my dog is not a fan of cats) had developed kidney failure and was suffering horrendously. She hadn't eaten in a few weeks and kept vomiting. It had gotten to the point where she wouldn't even lift her head to drink. The vet had said there was nothing he could do to remedy the situation. My mother decided to put the poor thing out of her misery. However, because of how attached my son was to Miss Diamond, my mom asked that I tell him about the situation and see if he wanted to come down (we live just up the block from my parents) and say his good byes. Her appointment was at 4:30pm and it was only 10am when she called. My son was still fast asleep. I did NOT want to ruin his day just as he opened his eyes. I decided to wait until I returned from getting my hair done.

As I expected, the news simply crushed my son. At first, I think, the shock of what I told him helped him hold back the flood of tears I was sure was coming. But as he said he didn't want to go see her but to ask Grandma to say good bye for him the damn broke. I have never felt someone else's heart break before. But sitting there watching his face fall into a river of tears I swear I could hear the piece of his heart hit the floor.

I promised him that we could do a Safe Passage Ritual for her passing. We will be doing it tomorrow at nightfall. I needed some time to get things together. So if any of you have time, could you please take the time to light a candle for my son's baby? Thoughts, energy, and prayers are appreciated as well.

Rest In Peace our sweet sweet angel!
Miss Diamond

I want to close this post on a positive note so.... My hair today looks A-MAZING!! I have a wonderful stylist at Black the Salon in Royal Oak, Michigan. If you are in the area... LOOK THEM UP!! I can't rave enough about them! 

Blessed Be

Monday, July 23, 2012

I am the witch back from the dead...

Or at least that is what it feels like. I feel like I have been in a wakeful slumber for the past 10+ months. Spiritually, I feel as though I have reawakened into a whole new era! Mentally, I feel as though a fog has lifted. Physically, well let's just say that it's nice to not have to share my body with another human being :) (Love my children, HATE my pregnancies). Emotionally, I'm still a work in progress.

The Goddess was present throughout my entire pregnancy. I asked her for guidance far more than I probably should have. She was my constant companion. I felt as though she understood and consoled me when I was in tears and in pain. She rejoiced with me when we celebrated his birth! I have never felt so strongly that her presence was with me. The moon's existence became more than a beautiful sight in the night sky and instead became a nightly reminder and reassurance of my beliefs.

It's been very hectic and I have been super busy since the baby's birth. I have yet to introduce the baby to the Goddess formally. I will share the ritual on the ritual page when I finally write it out. I want my older son to be present as well. He always amazes me with his interest in my faith. I am so proud of him when he begins to question things like religion. If nothing else, I hope that I teach my children to question everything and not just accept something because everyone else does. It makes for a difficult child, but a well informed adult. Mindless acceptance is the bane of my existence!

A few weeks after the baby was born I got into a fight with MY grandmother about baptizing the baby. She is a very devote Catholic. Her argument was "I know you don't believe in it, but don't you want him to be taken care of?" I simple looked at her dumbfounded. If I don't believe in a baptism or Christianity, WHY would I baptize/dedicate my child into a faith that I'm not a part of? I mean if he grows up and decides to be a Christian, I will support him as I would my older son. Not too mention that I don't believe that ANY GOD from any religion would turn away a baby/child because they aren't baptized, that is something only a human would do. Ugh... some people just don't get it.

Now, I pose a question to my readers... Even if your child would not remember the baptism and you didn't raise them in that faith, would you baptize them just to make a family member happy? (and by family member I do NOT mean spouse)

Well... I leave you all to ponder that for a bit. All I ask is that you think about it before you answer. I've contemplated it for a few weeks now and still believe that my stance on things is the correct one. But I would like to know the opinions of my readers. If you wish to remain anonymous feel free to e-mail me. I won't out you for reading a pagan blog. I promise :)

Blessed Be to all!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I have returned... FINALLY

I have felt extraordinarily guilty about leaving all my readers in the dark and hanging, awaiting new posts. Well, I am here today to beg your forgiveness :) and let you all know that on June 4th, 2012 at 7:32 am, a very handsome 9lb 1oz little boy was brought into this world via emergency c-section.

His name is Sorin Joseph. And he is such a treasure, and a REALLY great baby. He sleeps through the night and everything. Just took him for his 1 month physical and he weighs in at a healthy 13lbs 9 oz! He's a big boy. His brother is the most loving big brother I could have asked for!

It feels so amazing to be writing again and able to anything besides lay in bed all blessed day. I know to some that sounds like a blessing... but trust me, those same four walls get REALLY confining after about a week!

Tomorrow I will have a far more in depth post about how my spirituality has played a part in this phase of my life. But for now (seeing as I have towels about to be done in the dryer) I bid you all a blessed evening!!

Blessed Be my wonderful readers!!

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