Merry We Meet!!

This is my space to share, rant, rave, and even do a little bragging about my life choices, family, and where each are taking me.

Many people think 'witch' and immediately jump to the conclusion that I am some weirdo who's home smells like stale incense and thinks Mr. Potter is end all be all of magick. I hate to disappoint, but I am as normal as the next person. As much as a person can be normal.

So, please read on. Enjoy my trials and tribulations. Hopefully, you can learn something from the mistakes I make and the good fortunes that come my way.

You can follow me on Instagram @Witchmomma

~Blessed Be~



My Iron Man!

My Iron Man!
This was just before his 12th birthday. 2015

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We make connections everyday. Between new people we meet on the street, the family and friends that surround us, and for some of us, the Gods and Goddesses that are in our lives.

I have a very deep connection to my Goddesses. I have not found a God that I connect with. My children, I try to not influence one way or the other. My eldest leans towards The Greenman. He hasn't really decided on a religious path yet. I think he may end up ecletic me, which would be my choice for him.

The baby...well he has many many years before he has to worry about studying. Although, I will be there every step of the way, supporting, guiding, and teaching.

I hope that they can find a connection with any deity like I have. Its important to me that I have spiritual children.

Have any of you felt or been so connected to a deity that you could feel their presence with you at all times?

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